Duration 5700

10 quotes about Dale Carnegie's behavior lessons

23 watched
Published 7 Jul 2023

10 quotes about Dale Carnegie's behavior lessons 1. "Success is not about what you achieve, but how you treat others along the way." 2. "Listen to others with genuine interest and empathy, and you'll build strong relationships." 3. "Avoid unnecessary conflicts and focus on finding common ground instead." 4. "Respect the opinions of others, even if they differ from your own." 5. "Choose kindness over criticism, and watch how it positively impacts your interactions." 6. "A warm smile can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated." 7. "Don't waste time dwelling on self-pity; instead, focus on finding solutions and moving forward." 8. "Learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards improvement." 9. "Prioritize challenging tasks first to avoid procrastination and increase productivity."


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