Duration 12:53

طريقة عمل قطايف مقرمشة بالجوزحشوة رائعة وبثلاث خطوات وأسرارنجاح القطايف How to make Walnut Qatayef USA-IT

Published 20 Apr 2021

المكونات : 200 غرام طحين 30 غرام سميد 350 مل ماء 15 غرام سكر رشة ملح 1/2 ملعقة كبيرة خميرة 3/4 ملعقة كبيرة بيكنغ باودر الشيرة : 4 كوب سكر 2 كوب ماء ملعقة كبيرة ليمون 2 ملعقة كبيرة ماء زهر للحشوة : 250 غرام جوز 75 غرام سكر 3 ملاعق كبار ماء زهر ربع كوب قطر Ingredients : 200 g flour 30 g semolina 350 ml water 15 g sugar pinch of salt 1/2 tbsp yeast 3/4 tbsp baking powder Sugar syrup 4 cups sugar 2 cups water 1 tablespoon lemon 2 tbsp Orang blossom water For filling: 250 g walnuts 75 g sugar 3 tbsp Orange blossom water 1/4 cup sugar syrup Cooking instruction : To prepare Qatayef In a bowl, mix all the ingredients and use a Hand blender if available To get a smooth texture without lumps, cover the mixture and let it ferment for half an hour, the consistency must be as shown in the video (if it is thick, water can be added, or flour can be added if it is light) For the walnut mix put all ingredients in the Food Processor chop it and make sure that the walnuts are medium in size To pour the Qatayef, heat the pan, then reduce the heat, then start pouring the Qatayef with continuous monitoring to control the heat. repeat the process as shown in the video until the quantity is finished make sure to cover the Qatayef all the time so that it does not dry out. stuff the Qatayef as shown in the video and make sure to close the edges well so that it does not open at the time of frying Heat the oil at 170 C. Fry the Qatayef until it becomes brown and crunchy. We transfer it immediately to the previously prepared Cold syrup, then transfer them to colander to get rid of the excess syrup, then it is ready to be served hot.


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